
查找内存页面的模式。如果要查找内存页中模式的所有匹配项,请使用 findall


arg1 The address to start searching from. Notice that the searching will stop when the end of the memory page this address resides in has been reached. This means you cannot search the complete process memory without enumerating the memory pages first. If you want to find all occurrences of a pattern in the entire memory map use findallmem.

arg2 The byte pattern to search for. This byte pattern can contain wildcards (?) for example: EB0?90??8D. You can use String Formatting here.

[arg3] The size of the data to search in. Default is the size of the memory region.


The $result variable is set to the virtual address of the address that matches the byte pattern. $result will be 0 when the pattern could not be matched.